Forno Appliances

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An easy way to build your your dream kitchen is with Forno Appliances. Billed as the New Era of Kitchen Appliances, Forno set it's eyes on lowering the cost of cooking for all homeowners. Based in Montreal, Canada, the Forno appliances follow the best European designs and manufacturing methods that allow for professional, long-lasting cooking. Offering a vast array of kitchen appliances—including ranges, range hoods, refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, and wall ovens—Forno is your one-stop-shop for creating your ideal kitchen space.

Why choose Forno? You get the same quality, performance and warranty as the legacy kitchen brands at a fraction of the cost. Join the thousands of Premium Home Source customers that have rated Forno a 4.8/5 on their appliances! The 2 year warranty ensures that Forno stands behind each and every appliance they manufacture!

And if you're searching for a spacious 60" refrigerator, Forno's best-seller is available for under $3K! In a market where value can be tough to find, Forno emerges as the perfect solution.

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