${ step <= 2 ? "Build Your MRCOOL DIY Mini Split" : step == 3 ? "Review Your Mini Split System" : "Complete Your Mini Split System" }
Heat and Cool up to 5 Zones
A zone makes up an area that you'd like to cool and heat. Generally, a zone is equivalent to an area that is enclosed, such as a kitchen, living room, bedroom or garage.
Your room is between ${ co.min_coverage } & ${ co.max_coverage } Sq ft, or ${ co.btu } BTU
Your room is between ${ singleZoneBtu.min_coverage } & ${ singleZoneBtu.max_coverage } Sq ft, or ${ singleZoneBtu.btu } BTU
${ zoneIndex + 1 }${ zoneIndex + 1 > 1 ? (zoneIndex + 1 == 2 ? 'nd' : zoneIndex + 1 == 3 ? 'rd' : 'th') : '' } Room/Zone
Add Room/Zone
You can't add more zones because you've reached the max number of zones for our condensers.
You can't add more zones because you've reached the max BTU for our condensers.
Your total line set length is ${ totalLineset - 221 }ft more than max(221ft).
Your total BTU is ${ (totalCapacity - maxAvailableCapacity.unrestrictive)/1000 }k more than max(${maxAvailableCapacity.unrestrictive/1000}k).
If you decide to keep this configuration, the total BTU of the system will never exceed ${maxAvailableCapacity.unrestrictive/1000}k.
${ product.title }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
This system includes a ${ product.calcData.length_in_feet }ft lineset.
This product is not available.
${ product.title }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
This system includes a ${ product.calcData.length_in_feet }ft lineset.
This product is not available.
${ index + 1 }${ index + 1 > 1 ? (index + 1 == 2 ? 'nd' : index + 1 == 3 ? 'rd' : 'th') : '' } Room/Zone
${ getCoverage(zones[index].total_btu).coverage } - ${ zones[index].mount_type } mount - ${ zones[index].length_in_feet }ft lineset
${ product.title }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
This system includes a ${ product.calcData.length_in_feet }ft lineset.
This product is not available.
${ product.title }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
${ product.calcData.accessory_desc }
This system includes a ${ product.calcData.length_in_feet }ft lineset.
This product is not available.
We couldn't find any condensers for your selection.