Mini Splits Heat and Cool

Do Mini Splits Heat and Cool?


Do Mini Splits Heat and Cool?

Mini split systems, widely recognized for their dual functionality, effectively cater to both your heating and cooling needs. Mini splits include an outdoor unit or a heat pump, along with an indoor unit(s), mini splits deliver an efficient performance in terms of temperature management.

While the terminology 'heat pump' might sound exclusive to heating, it indeed offers both heating and cooling. Mini split systems, an invention dating back several decades, represent a ductless approach to controlling your home's temperature. As a cost-effective solution, mini splits stand as a simpler and more economical alternative to installing a comprehensive central ducted system.

However, a noteworthy point about mini splits involves their operation in multi-unit scenarios. When managing multiple indoor units, the system doesn't allow for simultaneous heating in one room while cooling another. The system functions on an either-or basis, implying that you'd have to choose between heating and cooling. This is an essential aspect to consider while opting for mini split systems.

Ready to jump in the Mini Split world? Check out our award-winning DIY ductless mini splits:

DIY Mini Splits

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