DuraSnow® vs. Stainless Steel. What is ZLINE DuraSnow® and should you purchase it?

by Pete Lader October 27, 2020

ZLINE DuraSnow® vs. Stainless Steel

So you are in the market for a range, range hood and/or a dishwasher. You keep seeing the word "Durasnow" pop-up in your searches with ZLINE and Premium Home Source. What is DuraSnow® Stainless Steel? Why does DuraSnow® cost more than traditional stainless steel?  All your answers will be answered in this article.

Where did the DuraSnow® idea come from?

Traditionally, consumers have complained that using appliances like ranges, microwaves, kitchen sinks, and dishwashers would leave fingerprints. Even worse, a scratch to traditional stainless steel left you scratching your own head on how to fix it. 

ZLINE heard the fingerprint and scratch complaint too many times and manufactured the perfect stainless steel as an answer!

What is DuraSnow® Stainless Steel?

DuraSnow® is made from 304-grade stainless steel (most traditional stainless steel models are made from 430-grade stainless steel). Fun fact: the lower the grade for stainless steel, the more durable it will be. 

This industrial grade stainless steel is proven to be more durable, can withstand higher temperatures than traditional stainless steel and is resistant to corrosion, fingerprints and rust (perfect ingredients for a kitchen appliance, don't you think?). 

See a scratch on your appliance? Don't worry, it can be buffed out.... removing the normal wear and tear of a traditional kitchen appliance.

Benefits of DuraSnow® Stainless Steel:

  • Fingerprint, smudge and corrosion resistant
  • Scratches can be buffed out
  • Manufactured with 304-grade stainless steel = maximum durability, longer life span

Will this match my other appliances in stainless steel?

Great question! The Durasnow® Stainless Steel has a non-directional (cloudy) and has a slightly cloudier shade than traditional Stainless Steel. It won't conflict like blue does to red, and I've seen the mix between DuraSnow® and Stainless Steel work 100s of times. 

Pete's PointerIf you are a consumer that values having spotless appliances, I would recommend to pay a bit extra for the DuraSnow® products.

DuraSnow® vs. Stainless Steel Comparison

Check out the full DuraSnow® collection by clicking below!

Shop DuraSnow® Collection


      So should you actually buy DuraSnow® Stainless Steel appliances? If you and your family do not enjoy cleaning appliances and are looking for longevity in your kitchen appliances... ZLINE DuraSnow is a great choice!

      Here is a video summary from ZLINE themselves!


      Can't find the DuraSnow® product you are looking for? Call us at 800-805-7102, Extension 1.

      Was this article helpful? Contact us at [email protected] if you have further questions or leave a comment!


      • Hi! When will the dura snow refrigerator be available to purchase?

        Mary Eckwahl on

      • Looking for the DuraSnow refrigerator – preferably 4 French door with water dispenser

        Terri Delfosse on

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